
General Use Terms and Conditions

General Use Terms and Conditions


By accessing premierequipment.ca, MyPremier App/Dealer Customer Portal or any social media used by Premier Equipment Ltd. (“Premier Equipment”) via the internet you hereby acknowledge that:

The information, services and products offered from Premier Equipment are presented in good faith and as accurate as possible at time of publishing. Although efforts have been taken to ensure information correctness, errors or omissions can and will occur.

Premier Equipment does not warrant that the information accessible via the internet for any Premier Equipment owned or maintained property such as premierequipment.ca, the MyPremier App, Premier Equipment social media accounts (including Facebook, Instagram) or via any third-party sites such as equipment listing directories like AgDealer, Tractor House/Market Book, Farms.com, Kijiji or otherwise, as accurate, complete or current. You agree that Premier Equipment does not control or endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content on any third-party sites.

When visiting premierequipment.ca or when accessing any other online entity promoting, selling, advertising Premier Equipment and its products you agree that Premier Equipment shall be held harmless from all liability for any and all errors or omissions including your use of third-party sites. Such errors can include but are not limited to pricing, model information, finance or cash offers from Premier Equipment, John Deere or other affiliated parties. Premier Equipment. shall not be required to honour any pricing that is deemed by Premier Equipment, in its sole discretion, to be incorrect. Premier Equipment reserves the right to without notice change prices, limit sale quantity or refuse sale or service to any customer. Any financing offered is only available based on approved credit, and not guaranteed in any way. Offers can be changed or cancelled at any time without notice and may be subject to conditions or limitations.

Should an error or omission be reported, Premier Equipment will take measures to have the cited error corrected within 24 hours.

Images, video, audio, logos, trademarks, information and written copy available on premierequipment.ca, social media or the MyPremier App remain the respective property of Premier Equipment, John Deere or the respective trademark/copyright holder – and my not be used for any purpose without expressed written consent of Premier Equipment or the proper legal holder.

To view complete Terms and Conditions please visit: premierequipment.ca/about-us/terms-and-conditions--full-version

Any questions or for further information please contact Premier Equipment via the Contact Us form on premierequipment.ca or 519-669-5453.